The Way Ministries NewVideo Teachings
Episode 14 The Beast of Revelation defiles the Passover
In Episode 14 of Through the Eyes of an Elder Discussions, we break down and rebut the video teaching: The Fifth Covenant with Jesus Christ The Shocking Truth Behind the Last Supper as taught by Mr. Aba Al-Sadiq Abdullah Hashem of The Mahdi Has Appeared YouTube Channel.
Anthony and John break down each point with video clips and rebut the absurdity of it. Mr. Sadiq completely defiles the Last Passover Supper with Messiah and the disciples. His statements are an abomination to the Holy Scriptures. He speaks as an anti-messiah. The conclusion of this rebuttal is shocking to see! The Lawless one is here!
In Episode 13 of Through the Eyes of an Elder Discussions, we reveal the video of the possible Beast of Revelation. as he makes the statement that he is the Beast in this video we present. See and hear it for yourself. The day of reckoning has come. Everyone will now be forced to decide which side they will give their loyalty to. This man The Qaim Aba Al-Sadiq Abdullah Hashem, makes very bold statements about what he plans to do. Watch for future videos as we will dissect his teachings and reinterpret them so that all can understand what is in the near future.
Episode 10 On which Evening did the Messiah Renew the Covenant in His blood The 14th or 15th?
In Episode 10 of Through the Eyes of an Elder Discussions, there is a great controversy over which night the Passover should be eaten, the 14th or the 15th. Only one can be the true Passover. There can only be one night when the blood covenant was made. Was it the 14th or the 15th? Eating it on the wrong night has strong consequences such as sitting at the table of satan and taking on the covenant of Hagar. Watch this episode to see all of the unrefuted proof! Anthony and John discuss the technicalities of both nights and their implications.
Below are some new video teachings you may have missed.

In Heaping up Teachers for Bad Doctrine. The reason for America's Decline! Anthony and John examine several scriptures as to what, why, and how people freely give their power away to teachers who they refuse to test and end up acquiring bad doctrine in the process.