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The indictment against Yahweh’s Wife and her Ultimate Redemption
1 And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne NT:2362 thronos (thron'-os); the stately seat of power of the Potentate who Rulership of Yahweh and of the Lamb.
2 In the middle of its street NT:4113 plateia (plat-i'-ah); a wide-open square, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit NT:2590 karpos (kar-pos'); to be plucked every month. Her leaves NT:5444 phullon (fool'-lon); from the same as NT:5443; are a sprouted offshoot of the tree were for the healing NT:2322 therapeia (ther-ap-i'-ah); from NT:2323; as a medical cure and relief of disease of the nations NT:1484 ethnos (eth'-nos); that was pagan and non-Jewish.
3 And there shall be no more curse NT:2616 a katathema (kat-ath'-e-mah); given over to a false deity, but the throne NT:2362 thronos (thron'-os); the stately seat of power of the Potentate who Rules of Yahweh NT:2316 theos (theh'-os); the Supreme Divinity and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants NT:1401 doulos (doo'-los); from NT:1210; who were in subserviency shall serve NT:3000 latreuo (lat-ryoo'-o); and minister in religious homage to Him.
4 They shall see His face, and His name NT:3686 onoma (on'-om-ah); with Authority shall be on their foreheads.
5 There shall be no night there: They need no lamp NT:3088; a portable illuminator nor light of the sun, for the MASTER NT:2962 kurios (koo'-ree-os); the Supreme Yahweh NT:2316 theos (theh'-os); the Supreme Divinity gives them light. And they shall reign NT:936 basileuo (bas-il-yoo'-o); from NT:935 basileus (bas-il-yooce’); as foundational sovereign Kings forever NT:165 aion (ahee-ohn'); through eternity and ever.
6 Then he said to me, “These words are faithful NT:4103 pistos (pis-tos'), and trustworthy and true." And the Master Yahweh of the holy prophets NT:4396 prophetes (prof-ay'-tace); who were inspired foretellers sent His angel to show His servants NT:1401 doulos (doo'-los); from NT:1210; who were in subserviency the things which must shortly NT:5034 tachos (takh'-os); in a brief space of time take place.
7 "Behold, I am coming quickly NT:5035 tachu (takh-oo'); by surprise and without dela)! Blessed NT:3107 makarios (mak-ar'-ee-os); supremely fortunate, and well off is he who keeps NT:5083 tereo (tay-reh'-o); from teros; a watch to guard against loss or injury as a fortress of full military apparatus the words NT:3056 (log'-os); from NT:3004; a Divine expression of Messiah of the prophecy of this book NT:975 biblion (bib-lee'-on); a rolled-up scroll opened like a sheet."
8 Now I, John NT:2491 Ioannes (ee-o-an'-nace); Yochanan, saw and heard these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel who showed me these things.
9 Then he said to me, “See that you do not do that. For I am your fellow servant NT:4889 sundoulos (soon'-doo-los); a co-slave, and of your brethren NT:80 adelphos (ad-el-fos'); who came from the same womb the prophets NT:4396 prophetes (prof-ay'-tace); who were inspired foretellers, and of those who keep NT:5083 tereo (tay-reh'-o); from teros; a watch to guard against loss or injury the words NT:3056 (log'-os); from NT:3004; a Divine expression of Messiah of this book NT:975 biblion (bib-lee'-on); a rolled-up scroll. Worship NT:4352 proskuneo (pros-koo-neh'-o); by prostrating in homage of Yahweh NT:2316 theos (theh'-os); the Supreme Divinity."
10 And he said to me, "Do not seal NT:4972 sphragizo (sfrag-id'-zo); from NT:4973; for security and preserving the words NT:3056 (log'-os); from NT:3004; a Divine expression of Messiah of the prophecy NT:4394 propheteia (prof-ay-ti'-ah); from scriptural inspiration of this book NT:975 biblion (bib-lee'-on); a rolled-up scroll, for the time NT:2540 kairos (kahee-ros'); in a due season is at hand.
11 He who is unjust NT:91 adikeo (ad-ee-keh'-o); from NT:94; actively, immoral socially, or in physical way offensive, let him be unjust still NT:2089 eti (et'-ee); hereafter; he who is filthy NT:4508 rhuparos (rhoo-par-os'); from NT:4509; dirty, cheap and depraved, let him be filthy still NT:2089 eti (et'-ee); hereafter); he who is righteous NT:1342 dikaios (dik'-ah-yos); from NT:1349; with righteous execution, let him be righteous still NT:2089 eti (et'-ee); hereafter; he who is holy NT:40 hagios (hag'-ee-os); sacred, and ceremonially consecrated, let him be holy still NT:2089 eti (et'-ee); hereafter."
12 "And behold, I am coming quickly NT:5035 tachu (takh-oo'); by surprise and without delay, and My reward NT:3408 misthos (mis-thos'); with payment for services rendered is with Me, to give to everyone according to his work NT:2041 ergon (er'-gon); that are deeds performed.
13 I am the Alpha NT:255 a Alpha (al'-fah); of every kind of Divine and demonic power that existed and the Omega NT:5598 omega (o'-meg-ah); and the finality of it, the Beginning NT:4413 protos (pro'-tos); in order of importance and the End NT:5056 telos (tel'-os); as the prophetic conclusion, the First NT:746 arche (ar-khay'); as the commencement and Chief and the Last NT:5056 telos (tel'-os); as the prophetic conclusion."
14 Blessed NT:3107 makarios (mak-ar'-ee-os); supremely, fortunate, and well off are those who do His commandments NT:4749 stole (stol-ay'); as a long fitting gown as a mark of dignity, that they may have the right NT:1849 exousia (ex-oo-see'-ah); of power to the tree of life and may enter through the gates NT:4440 pulon (poo-lone'); from NT:4439; a winged folding entrance to the city into the city.
15 But outside NT:1854; the doors are dogs and sorcerers NT:5332; of pharmaceutical drugs and spell giving potions with witchcraft and sexually immoral NT:4205 pornos (por'-nos); from pernemi (to sell; akin to the base of NT:4097); who are male prostitutes who traffic as merchandise into slavery of it and murderers NT:5406 phoneus (fon-yooce'); as intentional homicidal acts and idolaters NT:1496 eidololatres (i-do-lol-at'-race); who worship an image of a heathen god, and whoever loves NT:5368 phileo (fil-eh'-o); as an object of affection and practices a lie NT:5579 pseudos (psyoo'-dos); from NT:5574; through falsehood.
16 "I, Yahshua, have sent My angel to testify NT:3140 martureo (mar-too-reh'-o); by bearing record of this report to you these things in the churches NT:1577 ekklesia (ek-klay-see'-ah); of the called-out ones. I am the Root and the Offspring NT:1085 genos (ghen'-os); countryman and generation of David, the Bright NT:2986 lampros (lam-pros'); from the same as NT:2985; magnificent radiant flambeau lamp that is sumptuous in appearance and Morning Star NT:792 (as-tare'); probably from the base of NT:4766; as strewn across the sky."
17 And the Spirit NT:4151 pneuma (pnyoo'-mah); of the Ruach HaKodesh and the bride NT:3565 numphe (noom-fay'); a betrothed veiled girl who is now a young married woman say, "Come NT:2064 erchomai (er'-khom-ahee); accompany me!" And let him who hears say, "Come NT:2064 erchomai (er'-khom-ahee); accompany me!" And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely NT:1432 dorean (do-reh-an'); accusative case of NT:1431; as a gift.
18 For I testify NT:3140 martureo (mar-too-reh'-o); by bearing record of this report to everyone who hears the words NT:3056 (log'-os); from NT:3004; of the Divine expression of Messiah of the prophecy NT:4394 propheteia (prof-ay-ti'-ah); from scriptural inspiration of this book NT:975 biblion (bib-lee'-on); a rolled-up scroll: If anyone adds NT:2007 epitithemi (ep-ee-tith'-ay-mee); by imposing in a friendly or hostile sense to these things, Yahweh will add NT:2007 epitithemi (ep-ee-tith'-ay-mee); by imposing in a hostile way to him the plagues NT:4127 > plege (play-gay'); caused by calamity that are written in this book;
19 and if anyone takes away NT:851 aphaireo (af-ahee-reh'-o); by removing or smite off from the words NT:3056 (log'-os); from NT:3004; of the Divine expression of Messiah of the book NT:975 biblion (bib-lee'-on); a rolled up scroll of this prophecy NT:4394 propheteia (prof-ay-ti'-ah); from scriptural inspiration, Yahweh shall take away NT:851 aphaireo (af-ahee-reh'-o); by removing or smite off his part NT:3313 meros (mer'-os); and allotment from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
20 He who testifies NT:3140 martureo (mar-too-reh'-o); by bearing record of this report to these things says, "Surely NT:3483 nai (nahee); as a strong affirmation I am coming quickly NT:5035 tachu (takh-oo'); by surprise and without delay." Amen NT:281 amen (am-ane'); so be it. Even so, come, Master Yahshua!
21 The grace NT:5485 charis (khar'-ece); from NT:5463; and its divine influence on the heart of our Master Yahshua HaMashiac be with you all. Amen NT:281 amen (am-ane'); so be it.